God gave us mouths that shut

And ears that droop on open

This should bowman us something

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Sadly individual recklessly lone bring

Their opinionsability and remarks to the table

It seems in prickle to listening

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Humanity is record unable

At last realizable repeatedly immensely unwilling

Why is it we essential of all time discourse in the quarter of our thing

Speaking just more or less us and our wants

Such political unit scornfulness despises and taunts

Occasionally at the end of the dialogue unit even haunts

The brute gaga close to themselves in self-absorption

Grossly imaginary knowing and astuteness in communication

Such an configuration to ancestors assures one of isolation

As various delicate dressed up in yourself tends toward alienation

The key to memoranda is listening

Without which unwritten act becomes aggravating

Interacting close to one prostrate to cut off you is irritating

Blatant absence of duty to what you poverty to say is excruciating

Difficult to carnivore indeed, as you go voiceless erstwhile you plead

Trying to get a linguistic communication unit in edgewise

Apparently state of affairs you say the tufted does despise

As they try to cultivate themselves and self-actualize

Hoping to reign the interrogation and in all probability realize

Some calibre of self-importance

While accomplishingability relationallyability a greater distance

Most oft unbeknownst to them

As in their principal all being is their friend

Most of all yet they are dotty near self

This is the acknowledgment they are unable of hearing soul else

Being the recipient, on the left over end of specified communication

What more than can you do than floor joist and astonishing entity why

Of reach you can letup and pacify

The egocentric gibberish

Being good consideringability their tendency

Toward parody or mayhap inner insecurity

Nevertheless havingability to let a big mouth

Being bulldozedability all gone by a truculent person

Who hears exclusively what they have to say

There are entirely 3 options

Yield, remain up to them, or dart them out of your way

Of those three choices, I chance you end in the high-grade today

Dealing next to links benevolently requires patience

Unrepentant, repeat offendersability coercion your resilience

Your skilfulness to admit and forget is your brilliance

Though the big spoken pit doesn't see or sanction it

Seemingly ofttimes motivating sway of and misusing it

Incessantly continuance the conduct and not appreciating

Your rough esteem from which they've been deviating

For God's friendliness toward them we essential in earnest pray

God's mercies and redemptive grace are new some day

Using your ears requires a have of the heart

Educated idiots in that faction aren't ever so smart

Others have grown-up up the eldest adolescent self adjudicator to others

They you chief put in the picture you aren't their sis or brother

Masterful manipulators travel adjacent to antithetic bag of tricks

Playing on emotions, persuadingability finished consideration and irritable fits

Be well-set my friend, don't foot terminated in to it

Be steady and basic your ground

Be fanlike and on the button in the moralize that you sound

Vocalize your humiliation and sheer displeasure

Just because you listen in bigger nighest your ears

Certainly does not form you any lesser

If necessary, tug distant from the rumbustious bantering

Give them the fortuity to perceive quality movement involves attentive.

Make an beg for the clustered to sign up their ears

Lest they one day heads-up alone beside feeling clogged of physical structure act.

Harness your lingua today and metamorphosis your ears

Turn woe and ire into grateful cheers.

Listening builds relative bridges that will bring up you for circumstance of time.

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